Day 3

Wednesday, 9 October, was our third day in York.
At school we practised the use of Audacity and QR Codes in the classrooms. We also talked about Meme and their use as a form of communication.
Then we had lunch at Moros, a moroccoan restaurant. Me, Sybille and Maurizio ordered three different plates, in order to taste each. I found them very spicy and tasty.

Sibylle and me went at a museum after lunch and enjoyed it a lot.

Then, at five p.m., we went to the Cathedral to listen to choir music and I was amazed by the acustic sounds and the sweetness of those voices.

The weather was rainy and cold, so we decided to go to Betty's and have our teatime there.
My cream tea was delicious; I love scones and rose tea.
